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man and woman in office discussing sustainable investing values

Value, Values, and More Values – 3 Important (But Different!) Conversations About Sustainable Investing

Sustainable investors talk a lot about values. The connection between the two is intuitive – it just makes sense to most investors – but the conversation itself, sometimes, gets garbled.

People often have differing ideas about what “values” means. Traditional investors might focus on a company’s enterprise value, or its valuation, which captures how much investors are willing to pay per share. There’s value as an investment style, and “finding value” is a good way to describe a well made investment decision. And that’s before we talk about the thing that matters most to many sustainable investors – values as a reflection of your personal beliefs and priorities.

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Bad With Money With Gabe Dunn: ESG: Sustainable Investing 101 with Kylelane Purcell

Caring Economy: Finance with a Conscience: The Till Investors Story

Earth911 Podcast: The Skills Activist Leaders in Business Need in the Climate Era

How to invest in ESG: Connecting company commitment to your values

The Awareness Gap in ESG Investing

How Values-Based Investing Yields Better Returns | ESG Investing | Queer Money

The Importance and How-tos of Sustainable Investing

with Special Guest Kyle Purcell


Want to hear what clear, compelling ESG conversation sounds like? Check out Kylelane Purcell, co-founder of Till Investors, on the Stocks for Beginners podcast.