Till Investors is Ben Vivari & Kyleane Purcell

Ben Vivari
- Chartered SRI Counselor
- Sustainable Business Advocate
- Juggles Work, Kids, Teaching, and Volunteering in His Community

Kylelane Purcell
- 30-Year Veteran of Investment Education
- Owner of Purcell Communications for nearly two decades
- Parent, Coach, and Sustainable Investor
We’re here to address a challenge we’ve encountered time and time again:
Given the choice, the vast majority of people and organizations would like their investments to reflect their values. And yet, very few people know that it’s even possible to do that. The people who should help you invest sustainably — mutual fund firms, financial advisors, retirement plan administrators — often struggle to do so. As a result, most everyday savers, and many organizations, end up invested in companies or industries that they would prefer not to.
That needs to change. And we’re here to do something about it.
Till Investors is empowering investors with straightforward guidance and answers to tough questions. We have been translating “finance-speak” for a long time, and we know a lot about what investors want — and why they sometimes find investing frustrating. Importantly, we are not here to sell a particular fund or investment vehicle. We are not trying to get you to invest with us in some way. Rather, we are showing everyday investors and organizations how to find investments that fit their values and mission, how to see your investments in a new light, and how to put your money to work in more ways than one.
Ben Vivari
Ben is a Chartered SRI Counselor (CSRIC), an MBA, and an advocate for organizations and individuals looking to align their investments with their values. He draws from his experience working with asset managers, financial advisors, and industry insiders to help make sustainable investing accessible and achievable for even the most novice of investors.
In addition to his work with Till Investors, he is the Managing Director for the financial communications firm Purcell Communications, where he manages content for some of the largest financial institutions in the country. He is also an adjunct professor at Hood College, where he teaches courses on sustainable investing and social entrepreneurship.
He has published academic research on corporate social responsibility while also practicing what he preaches in his numerous Director-level corporate operational roles throughout his career. Drawing on his Project Management Professional (PMP) background, he is a pragmatist and an ideal partner for Kyle’s enthusiasm and vision. Ben constructs the practical pathways that make Till Investors a truly useful partner for sustainable investors.
Kylelane Purcell
Kyle believes that understanding money is important, valuable – and even exciting. After all, how many things are more interesting than your money, and the things you can do with it? That’s why she’s such a proponent of teaching the everyday investor the ins and outs of the game.
Kyle has held communications leadership roles at several financial companies, including Morningstar, American Century, and T. Rowe Price. But in 2005, in search of a better life balance while raising three young boys, she started Purcell Communications as a financial writing and education firm. Over time, PurcellCom grew into one of the largest and most sustainable companies of its kind.
PurcellCom also developed a unique expertise in writing about socially responsible investing, or ESG investing, having worked with several pioneering firms in the field. Kyle’s knowledge of sustainable investing found its match in current Till Investors co-founder Ben Vivari. Combining her analytical aptitude with his expertise in sustainable business, they’ve made Till Investors the premier resource for those with a desire to invest sustainably.