Tools for Individual Investors
Sustainability is important to you, and you know what you wish your money could do. But how can you make that happen? How can you make your first sustainable investment?
Your values matter when it comes to how you invest. Values matter in almost every decision you make – from who your friends are to what businesses you patronize. Why shouldn’t they play a role in who you support with your investment dollars?
Sustainable practices make companies more competitive and less susceptible to changes, risks, and bad decisions. Study after study proves this out – sustainable companies tend to outperform over the long term. If you’re a long-term investor, this is something you should have the chance to take advantage of.
Companies, like people, need to be held accountable if they cause harm to their workers, customers, or communities. You create that accountability when you choose to invest your values.
How can you make your first sustainable investment?
Till Investors is building the tools and information you need to help you make your first sustainable investment.
Learn the Basics
Why do people choose to invest sustainably, and is it right for you? Check out our white paper, “Three Reasons to Become a Sustainable Investor — and the One Big Reason You’ll Be Glad You Did.” Or read our Basics series, which will answer the most important questions you’ll face as you choose sustainable investing.
Discover Your Fighting Style
How do you like to advocate for change? As a sustainable investor, you’ll need to know your personal fighting style in order to find an approach that’s right for you. Take our quiz!
Find the Right Type of Fund for You
Once you’re ready to go shopping, you’ll want to find investments that suit your interests, your values, and your fighting style. Our Fund Manager Profiles can do that and a whole lot more.
First Sustainable Investment Stories
Do you have your own first sustainable investing story?
Available Now! Till Investors Writes the Book on Sustainable Investing
Till Investors’ book “Sustainable Investing: An “ESG” Starter Kit for Everyday Investors” is Now Available on Amazon & Barnes & Noble!