Congratulations to Till Investors Cofounder Kylelane Purcell!
As you may have already seen, Till Investors Cofounder Kylelane Purcell has become a columnist for, a new website that is focusing primarily on news and information about sustainable investing. One of the reasons we like is that it isn’t only about the money – Equities stories dive into the heart of who embraces sustainable investing and why they care about using their investments to do good in the world.
This month we thought we’d share a few articles from, to give you a sense of the people and stories you will find there. Columns Drive the Aha Moments
One reason we are proud to be involved with is that their roster of contributors is impressive. From Paula DeLaurentis to Paul Ellis to Jeff Gitterman, and several others, we get to be in the company of people we know have been leaders and innovators in the sustainability space. These aren’t bandwagon jumpers – they are committed to sustainable investing and have a history of backing their words with action.
News Articles That Say the Quiet Part Out Loud
It is astonishing to us how much attention isn’t being paid to developments in the sustainable finance world. Quietly, it seems, investors, sustainability innovators, and public programs are creating new ways to address environmental, social, and community problems. One of’s missions is to follow developments in the sustainability marketplace, sharing stories about how financial innovators are putting funding in the hands of smart, solutions-oriented entrepreneurs – and how you can get involved.
It’s Not Just Money People
The people who are most influential in fixing problems aren’t often those with financial backgrounds. It’s the everyday advocates and influencers – the people who hav Active ESG funds make sense for a certain kind of investor, one who:
- Prefers a more thoughtful, robust sustainability strategy
- Is meaningfully committed to emphasizing sustainability in their investments
- Believes in the data that suggests long-term ESG performance is better than traditional resultsre experienced how things can go wrong and are most motivated to put them right – that typically lead the way. features people who do this work, like this story of a military spouse and entrepreneur who has helped other families like hers find jobs, inspiration, and funding for their business ideas.
Resources to Make Sustainable Investing Easier wants to make it easier for sustainable investors to act on their views. It’s a goal we very much support, having seen firsthand how daunting it can be to change focus with your personal nest egg. So we love seeing stories from people we know are experts in the field, such as this one from Jennifer Coombs. In addition, we have been making a limited version of our Fund Manager Profiles available for free on the site, and are working with them to develop tools and next steps to make sustainable investing easier.